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研究室位置:IBS N202
  • 期刊論文
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年度 論文名稱
2015 Kuan, Y.S., Roberson, S., Akitake, C.M., Fortuno, L., Gamse, J.T., Moens, C.B., and Halpern, M.E. (2015). Distinct requirement for Wntless in habenular development. Dev. Biol. (in press)
2015 Wu, B.T., Wen, S.H., Hwang, S.P., Huang, C.J. and Kuan, Y.S.(corresponding author). Control of Wnt5b secretion by Wntless modulates chondrogenic cell proliferation through fine-tuning fgf3 expression. (2015). J. Cell Sci.128:2328-2339.
2014 Lu, C.H., Lin, K.H., Hsu, Y.Y., Tsen, K.T. and Kuan, Y.S. (co-corresponding author). Inhibition of Escherichia coli respiratory enzymes by short visible femtosecond laser irradiation. (2014). J. Phys D-Apply Phys.47(31):315402.
2013 Liao, W.L., Cheng, C.H., Hung, K.S., Chiu, W.T., Chen, G.D., Hwang, P.P., Hwang, S.P.L., Kuan, Y.S. (co-corresponding author), and Huang, C.J. (2013). Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type O (Ptpro) regulates cerebellar formation during zebrafish development through modulating Fgf signaling. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 70:2367-2381.
2010 Kuan, Y.S. , Gamse, J.T., Fortuno, L., Wolf-Saxon, E., Donn, T., Wu, B.T., Moens C.B. and Halpern, M.E. (2010). Zebrafish Wntless mediates habenular neurogenesis. (In preparation)
2009 Kuan, Y.S., Brewer-Jensen, P., Bai, WL., Hunter, C., Wilson, CB., Bass, S., Abernethy, J., Wing, J. S. and Searles, L. L. (2009) Drosophila suppressor of sable protein [Su(s)] promotes degradation of aberrant and transposon-derived RNAs. Mol Cell Biol. 29(20): 5590-5603.
2007 Kuan, Y.S. , Gamse, J.T., Schreiber, A.M. and Halpern, M.E. (2007) Selective asymmetry in a conserved forebrain to midbrain projection. J Exp Zool Mol Dev Evol. 308B(5):669-678.
2007 Kuan, Y.S., Yu, H.H., Moens, C.B. and Halpern, M.E. (2007) Neuropilin asymmetry mediates a left‑right difference in habenular connectivity. Development. 134(5):857-65.
2005 Gamse, J.T., Kuan, Y.S. (co-first author), Macurak, M., Thisse, C., Thisse, B., Brösamle, C., and Halpern, M.E. (2005) Directional asymmetry of the zebrafish epithalamus guides dorsoventral innervation of the midbrain target. Development. 132(21):4869-4881.
2004 Kuan, Y.S., Brewer-Jensen, P. and Searles. L.L. (2004) Suppressor of sable, a Putative RNA-Processing Protein, Functions at the Level of Transcription. Mol Cell Biol. 24(9): 3734-3746.
1996 Lomasney J.W., Cheng H.F., Wang, L.P., Kuan, Y.S., Liu S.M., Fesik S.W. and King K. (1996) Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate Binding to the Pleckstrin Homology Domain of Phospholipase Cd1 Enhances Enzyme Activity. J. Biol. Chem. 271(41): 25316-25326.
1996 Wang, L.P., Lim C., Kuan, Y.S., Chen C.L., Chen H.F. and King K. (1996) Positive Charge at Position 549 Is Essential for Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate-hydrolyzing but Not Phospahtidylinositol-hydrolyzing Activities of Human Phospholipase Cd1. J. Biol. Chem. 271(40): 24505-24516.
學校名稱 系所 學位/職稱 期間
中央研究院 生物化學所 合聘副研究員 2018-至今
國立臺灣大學 生化科學所 副教授 2016-至今
中央研究院 生物化學所 合聘助研究員 2009-2018
國立臺灣大學 生化科學所 助理教授 2009-2016
Carnegie Inst. for Science. Embryology Dept. Post-doctoral fellow 2003-2008
Academia Sinica. Inst. of Biomedical Sciences Research assistant 1994-1996
北卡羅萊納州立大學 生物系 博士 1997-2003
東海大學 生物系 學士 1990-1994

個體發育過程中神經網路是否正確的特化及連結是影響神經系統功能是否正常的關鍵,不正常的神經網路特化及連結會導致病變甚至個體的死亡。利用斑馬魚間腦的habenula nuclei (HA) 及其連結至中腦interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) 之迴路為脊椎動物的模式(圖1),我的研究在探討神經元在胚胎發育過程中如何創生及如何與其他神經元作正確的連結。利用如資料檢視、分子操控及雷射蝕損等方法, 我的結果顯示出有表現Neuropilin 1a (Nrp1a) 的HA神經元其軸突在發育過程中會隨著Semaphorin 3D (Sema3D) 分子的引導而伸入IPN 的背部區塊與其中的神經元產生連結(圖2)。使用化學物誘導突變及原位雜交篩選等實驗策略,我的結果顯示出一個剛發現不久位在Golgi上的蛋白質Wntless (Wls) 是透過控制 neurogenin1 (ngn1) 的表現來影響HA神經元的創生(圖3)。 
目前我的研究是進一步的探討在胚胎發育過程中HA神經元的軸突如何正確的長向其目標的機轉, Wls蛋白質如何控制HA神經元創生的機轉, 以及不同特性的HA神經元是如何獲得各自本身獨有的細胞特性。了解控制HA-IPN神經迴路在斑馬魚中發育的機轉將對了解此脊椎動物的腦部結構如何產生有所幫助,進而對了解與神經元創生和連結異常有關的人類病變也將有所幫助。





