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Dr. Chiaolong Hsiao

Name:Dr. Chiaolong Hsiao
Title:Full-Time Associate Professor
Lab Office:IBS N402
Research:Nucleic acid research
Journal Papers
  • Journal Papers
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  • Degrees and Positions Held
  • Research
Year Paper Title
2019 Lin, S.-Y., Wang, Y.-C. & Hsiao, C. Prebiotic Iron Originates the Peptidyl Transfer Origin. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36, 999-1007 (2019).
2019 Chen, J.-K., Hsiao, C., Wu, J.-S., Lin, S.-Y. & Wang, C.-Y. Characterization of the endonuclease activity of the replication-associated protein of beak and feather disease virus. Arch. Virol. 164, 2091-2106 (2019).
2018 Fang, P.-Y., Bowman, J. C., Gomez Ramos, L., Hsiao, C. & Williams, L. D. RNA: packaged and protected by VLPs. RSC Advances 8, 21399-21406 (2018).
2014 A. S. Petrov, C. R. Bernier, C. Hsiao, A. M. Norris, N. A. Kovacs, C. C. Waterbury, V. G. Stepanov, S. C. Harvey, G. E. Fox, R. M. Wartell, N. V. Hud and L. D. Williams. (2014- Jul) Evolution of the ribosome at atomic resolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111, 10251-10256.
2014 A. S. Petrov, C. R. Bernier, B. Gulen, C. C. Waterbury, E. Hershkovits, C. Hsiao, S. C. Harvey, N. V. Hud, G. E. Fox, R. M. Wartell and L. D. Williams. (2014- Feb) Secondary Structures of rRNAs from All Three Domains of Life. PLoS One, 9, e88222.
2014 C. Bernier, A. S. Petrov, C. Waterbury, J. Jett, F. Li, L. E. Freil, b. Xiong, L. Wang, A. Le, B. L. Milhouse, E. Hershkovitz, M. Grover, Y. Xue, C. Hsiao, J. C. Bowman, S. C. Harvey, J. Z. Wartel and L. D. Williams. (2014-) Ribovision: Visualization and Analysis of Ribosomes. Discussions of the Faraday Society, Faraday Discuss 169, 195-207 (2014).
2013 Petrov, A.S., Bernier, C.R., Hershkovits, E., Xue, Y., Waterbury, C.C., Hsiao, C., Stepanov, V.G., Gaucher, E.A., Grover, M.A., Harvey, S.C., Hud, N.V., Wartell, R.M., Fox, G.E., Williams, L.D. “Secondary structure and domain architecture of the 23S and 5S rRNAs.” Nucleic Acids Res., 41(15), 7522-7535 (2013).
2013 Hsiao, C., Chou, I.C., Okafor, C.D., Bowman, J.C., O'Neill, E.B., Athavale, S.S., Petrov, A.S., Hud, N.V., Wartell, R.M., Harvey, S.C., Williams, L.D. “RNA with iron(II) as a cofactor catalyses electron transfer.” Nature Chemistry, 5, 525-528 (2013).
2013 Hsiao, C., Lenz, T.K., Peters, J.K., Fang, P.Y., Schneider, D.M., Anderson, E.J., Preeprem, T., Bowman, J.C., O'Neill, E.B., Lie, L., Athavale, S. S., Gossett, J.J., Trippe, C., Murray, J., Petrov, A.S., Wartell, R.M., Harvey, S.C., Hud, N.V., Williams, L.D. “Molecular paleontology: a biochemical model of the ancestral ribosome.”Nucleic Acids Res., 41, 3373-3385 (2013).
2012 Maehigashi T., Hsiao, C., Woods, K.K., Moulaei, T., and Williams, L.D. "DNA Structure is Intrinsically Polymorphic: Even at the level of Watson-Crick Base-Pairs.” Nucleic Acids Res., 8, 3714-3722 (2012).
2012 Athavale, S.S., Petrov, A.S., Hsiao, C., Watkins, D., Prickett, C.D., Gossett, J.J., Lie, L., Bowman, J.C., O'Neill, E., Bernier, C.R., Hud, N.V., Wartell, R., Harvey, S.C., and Williams, L.D. "RNA Folding and Catalysis Mediated by Iron (II)", PLoS ONE, 7(5), e38024 (2012)
2012 Athavale, S.S., Gossett, J.J., Hsiao, C., Bowman, J.C., O'Neill, E., Hershkovitz, E., Preeprem, T., Hud, N.V., Wartell, R.M., Harvey, S.C., and Williams, L.D. "Domain III of the T. thermophilus 23S rRNA Folds Independently to a near-Native State", RNA 18, 752-758 (2012).
2012 Petrov, A.S., Bernier, C., Hsiao, C.; Okafor, C.D., Tannenbaum, E, Stern, J., Gaucher, E., Schneider, D., Hud, N.V, Harvey, S.C.; Williams, L.D., “RNA-Magnesium-Protein Interactions in Large Ribosomal Subunit”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 116, 8113-8120 (2012).
2010 Mohan, S., Hsiao, C., Bowman, J.C., Wartell, R, and Williams, L.D. "RNA Tetraloop Folding Reveals Tension between Backbone Restraints and Molecular Interactions.”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 12679-12689 (2010)
2009 Hsiao, C., Mohan, S., B. K. Kalahar, and Williams, L. D. "Peeling the Onion: Ribosomes are Ancient Molecular Fossils", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26, 2415-2425 (2009)
2009 Hsiao, C. and Williams, L.D. "A Recurrent Magnesium-Binding Motif Provides a Framework for the Ribosomal Peptidyl Transferase Center", Nucleic Acids Res., 37, 3134-3142 (2009)
2009 Mohan S, Hsiao, C., Van Deusen, H., Gallagher, R., Krohn, E., Kalahar, B., Wartell, M.R., Williams, L. D.“Mechanism of RNA Double Helix-Propagation at Atomic Resolution”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 113(9), 2614-2623 (2009)
2009 Apostolico, A., Ciriello, G., Guerra, C., C.E, H., Hsiao, C., and Williams, L. D. "Finding 3D Motifs in Ribosomal RNA Structures", Nucleic Acids Res., 37(4):e29 (2009)
2008 Hsiao, C., Tannenbaum, E., Van Deusen, H., Hershkovitz, E., Perng, G., Tannenbaumc, A.R., Williams, L. D., (2008) “Complexes of Nucleic Acids with Group I and II Cations”, Nucleic Acids—Metal Ion Interactions. (Hud, N.V. ed). pp 1-38, Published by Royal Society of Chemistry
2008 Watkins, D., Hsiao, C., Woods, K. K., Koudelka, G. B., and Williams, L. D., "P22 c2 Repressor-Operator Complex: Mechanisms of Direct and Indirect Readout", Biochemistry, 47, 2325-2338 (2008)
2006 Hsiao, C., Mohan, S., Hershkovitz, E., Tannenbaum, A., Williams, L. D., "Single Nucleotide RNA Choreography", Nucleic Acids Res. 34, 1481-1491 (2006)
2002 Huang, S.T., Kuo, H.S., Hsiao, C., Lin, Y.L. “Efficient Synthesis of ‘Redox-Switched’ Napthoquinone Thio-Crown Ethers and Their Biological Activity Evaluation”, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 10, 1947-1952 (2002)
1996 Lin, M.S., Hsiao, C., Kuo, H.S. “Heteroquinones with Biological Activities: Synthesis and Anti-Microbial Activities of 6-Alkylmercapto-7-amino- and 6-amino-7-alkylmercapto-5,8-quinolinequinones”, J. Taipei Medical College, 25, 12-21 (1996)
School Name Department Degree Period
Academia Sinica Institute of Biological Chemistry Joint Appointment Associate Research Fellow 2021 – present
National Taiwan University Institute of Biochemical Sciences Associate Professor 2019 – present
Academia Sinica Institute of Biological Chemistry Joint Appointment Assistant Research Fellow 2015 – 2021
National Taiwan University Institute of Biochemical Sciences Assistant Professor 2014 – 2019
Georgia Institute of Technology Post Doctoral Associate 2008 – 2014
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Ph.D. 2008

The main foci of my lab are to reverse-engineer the ribosomes, and to uncover, discover novel functions of RNA.


We are interested in the RNA research: folding, assembly, and functions, using bioinformatics, biophysical chemistry, synthetic biochemistry, structural biology, molecular biology, and cell biology. We pay extraordinary attentions to the RNA association with metals, beyond group I and group II cations. In addition we use virus-like particle (VLP) to pack various sizes of RNA for cancer immunotherapy.